'Chessboards Transitioning' received an honourable mention.
Kathleen, NPCC President announcing the awards.
Morris's work on the far left; view of the Main Gallery show.
Our two esteemed jurors.
Painting of B. Cohades also accepted into show, hanging in Hallway Gallery portion.
Will write more tomorrow, as home late now and have an early start tomorrow. It was great to see some old friends/artists and catch up on the things they've been up to. The show looks great; everyone should make an effort to go see it as it will be hung until Aug 7th.
You might note that I don't have a photo of the winners, but that's mostly because I was taking pictures before the winners were announced, and I would never have guessed any of those choices. Or would never photograph those works, so there is the subjectivity of art. Um, wow is about all. I'm really glad they don't ask me to jury anything.
Really, all my artwork does is confuse people, as I heard again that there was long debates and conversation about the validity of my work; are they acceptable, are they not? What basis, blah blah. Why is my work always so controversial? Someday it would be nice for someone to actually have these discussions to my face, as it is a curiousity for me.