Another quiet weekend of working, although it is great to spend time with some friends. It will be quite lonely once S heads south this week. Suddenly I will have no one to play chess with, and even though I'm prone to losing lately, it is wonderful to get the chance to play against someone. Of course, it's even better when I can sneak a player back onto the board occasionally. Perhaps I shall have to get more persistant about teaching Georgie to play. But he just has difficulty with the digits. Been sculpting again the last few days. Really truly want to go big. And I want t
o paint again.
Probably for the first time since Harley left us, I feel like holding a brush in my hands again. Even been sitting at the easel in the evenings this past week. I miss the paint, even though the clay feels good in my hands. It's like a pervasive loneliness in the shadows that tugs at me. Perhaps my little baby would not mind if I painted without him.
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