... and my back is killing me. Simply cannot sit or stand any more today. Found a nice comfy spot of real estate on the carpet and am growing roots for a bit.
Just finsihed a new chessboard (from maquette of the Canadian geography) in oil. Have the winter pieces made, and now working on the summer pieces. It should be in cool when dry. Just needs a blue keyline, but it has to be drier to completely polish. This piece specifically narrows the landscape to be less defined between the squares, but still allows for traditional play. It'll be a "moving landscape" when being played: very cool.
So now I'm finishing the next one I have on the go (sorta working on a few at once at the moment).
I've been playing around with an additional set of pages for my website, these ones specifically showcasing the chessboards. Decided to have this trial site via Weebly, located at:
When I'm happy with it, I'll move it over underneath my domain at www.janehoople.com ... really, as soon as I figure out the directions, I'll do that. I think Weebly might be making it difficult, but then that could just be an opinion.
Snapped a few pics while weeding this morning. These might be lovely to paint in future? Dunno. I don't normally paint from photographs. And there are bees out there ... which scare the hell out of me!