So, yesterday I did block in all the colours on the first side of the blocks, and I'm pretty happy with the final result. Still not finished, of course, but cursory view is satisfying. Pretty much decided to finish the sides of each block in the dominant tone of the block plan (black or white) to make it easier on the player. This is akin to bowing to sympathy, but there it is.
Have sent some prliminary photos to friends to see what they think. Now tonight is for drying, finding the correct blocker paint for those sides, and another P90X workout. (groan)
Then I'm finsihing a drawing afterwards before bed. Georgie won't mind.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Finally spring & I'm inside painting
It's the first beautiful day of spring: light warm breeze, fabulous sunshine and birds chirping madly. I know this as I watch it through the open window, much to the dismay of my dog, and enjoy a day of painting solitude. Ah, it's marvelous. I'm aware that others will think me mad for 'wasting' such a wonderful day, but the light is perfect and there are no bugs indoors.
Of course, I will venture out soonish. Right after I finish my discussions with yellow and red.
Of course, I will venture out soonish. Right after I finish my discussions with yellow and red.
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