Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little 6x6 oil from Camping Vacation

Am just getting now to posting some of my painting from my vacation. I had decided in the outset that during this couple of weeks I would paint only that which was around me, which would allow me to not spend undue time and worry on whether or not I was painting "the right subject" etc. Hence I worked primarily in my little sketchbook, with several canvases ongoing. I plan to work on some new pieces from my sketches in the coming weeks, while also working on the two helmets for True Patriot Love auction.

1 comment:

  1. i've often noticed that your unique forms, tones,
    creates a language within a language, no matter how you express it
    it opens gateways to new journeys.
    It makes me want to hug the tree growing in your heart!

    Maybe you could do a sketch of a mystical dream tree like the one i imagine is growing in you.
    i wonder how you see it,
    its roots,its branches and leaves....i wonder how it would stand in a random meadow far, aloof, distinct....
    i wonder when you dream... how you dream with it?
