Sunday, July 10, 2011

Canadian Open Chess Tournament

Enjoying a long and exciting weekend down at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel showcasing my chess sets at the Canadian Open. Mark Bluvshtein, who holds the distinction of becoming both the youngest Canadian IM and the youngest Canadian GM in history, played with one of my chess sets on Friday night for his Chess Simultaneous Exhibition, where he played 16 other players at once. The man is beyond good. It was very cool.

Oh, and by the way Mark won the match. He did say that the board provided some challenge to him.

Quick picture of the booth, with Roddy and Wendy playing in the background.
Huge thank you to Linda and Jeff, who found the display case for the boards. It's awesome!

1 comment:

  1. My maths teacher lived in the same village as me with his family,
    a small village where it would rain for days...
    He taught me chess, badminton, martial arts and philosophy, i was 13 then and so i pursued it very tenaciously....until a few years later life took other turns.
    who knows what awaits if not the players!

    All this has helped me paradoxically to move beyond thought and the though everything is a continuum towards yourself.

    Thanks for awaken my souvenirs.

    Your display is really lovely; a majestic chair for the granmaster
    and chess boards
    that will make a greater adventure for those who will offer themselves with one....

    i m sure it will carry them into mysterious woods and enchanting forests with knights and castles,
    A king,a lovely queen for whom they will battle or maybe seek the grail in the depth of their thoughts.
