Monday, November 28, 2011

Box Self Portrait

Decided yesterday to start working on the family box portraits, made from the drawers of the old (antique?) desk. Did mine first, and started Wendy's too. They're sort of an ode to the old famous artist whom made such boxes. I'll have to look up the name again.

I still have a bit to finish; will need more finished paint tubes, for example. But you get the idea.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

More Art Cards

I've no sense of time. The party is next Sunday. So I'm making a few more now. Rather enjoying the small size. Have started on some drawers too.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Art Cards

In process ofaking some art cards for EAG's 60th Anniversary party on Sunday coming. Don't really know what to put on them, so have started with little backgrounds. Hopefully they dry fast though! Don't know how many to make either, but decided on 15 for now. I don't really know that many people at any rate.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en

Pumpkin carving contest at the workplace today ... wishing everyone a happy all hallows eve. Inspired by Tim Burton, so we added a name plate. Added some of this weekends fingers and toes for effect.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The making of my Zombie Clothes ...

We actually had to tell people to drive on these, even though they were in theiddle of a puddle on the road!

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Fingers about to be Pickled

And toes and eyeballs. Now carving the babies head for the last pickle jar. Script already written and handed out to our volunteers and family. Just doing final party preps and details now ...

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Monday, October 24, 2011

And After ... Many more to go!

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Prepping for the party ...

Before ...

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chagall at AGO

We went to see the Chagall exhibition at the AGO this afternoon; probably not the best timing due to all the forecasted protesters, but I had thought 'how bad could it be?'

Well there was narry a protester in sight, but it did take me two fu@!>#g hours to drive downtown due to some Toronto Marathon which closed half the city. Really pissed and tired by the time I got there, but then hey, I made it.

Turns out the exhibition has been falsely called "Chagall" - it should be called "The Russian Avant Garde" with only 5 Chagall paintings and a handful of his sketches. That's it: practically zero reason to put his name on the show. Very disappointing to those who actually thought they'd see his work.

There were rooms - entire rooms - of other Russian artists works. Sure. Even a couple of Kandisky's. But not what was billed.

Anyway. Wasn't even allowed photos on one's phone, unlike the Abstract Expressionism show (way better). Quite militant about it too. Sigh.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

What we did NOT eat at Thanksgiving Dinner

You know you're in the country when ...

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Friday, October 7, 2011

EAG 47th Annual Juried Art Show

I was accepted this year into the EAG Annual Juried Art Show; very happy about this. I managed a few photos at last nights Opening, which was well attended.

The show itself is terrific; 66 works in primarily painting and some sculpture (mine are two chessboards with players).

I noticed that in general painters who paint together for some time (years?), seem to grow to look like each others works. I'm thinking of a particular group, whose paintings all seem to look alike now, and I miss the individuality of their works. I'm not sure anyone else notices, or are particularily concerned about such a thing. They win awards this way, that part works. Maybe that's why I stay somewhat removed from artist groups, because I fear this myself.

Nuit Blanche 2011

Just posting some photos that I had meant to post days ago, from our night downtown Toronto, Yonge Street, Nuit Blanche.

It was cold; someone should really consider that this event move to September in Canada. Sigh. Otherwise very good; in reality, this event is a street party organized around the theme of art, specifically more installation art in this section of Toronto. Just a comment, neither good nor bad. I like seeing different sectors every year, and this year we'd decided to do the Yonge Street sector.

Yes, I could see the elephant in the window. And those who could see the elephant, should be able to understand my paintings. They based on similar premises, just different media.

I liked the car, liked the buildings in light and movement. Really liked the "drawing with only your eyes" but the lineup was ridiculous. I miss the tangibility of the works, like only the idea and memory linger rather than a phyiscal presence of art, that irritates me like a rash at times. But perhaps that is a way of youth now, an example of the new generation mindset. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Just painting.

Painting for the sake of painting.

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Forgot to upload final 2nd helmet pictures ...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Second Helmet, in Progress

Spending the afternoon working. Very corporate blues.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

One helmet semi-complete, one helmet to go ....

Just uploading some pics of the "practically finished" helmet. Of course, since I have a couple of weeks I will niggle here and there for final touch ups. Especially when adding paint to clay, it is never really finished; everytime you look at it, you can see where you've either missed a spot or there's a spot that really should be cleaner. But it's basically complete.

I'm working on the helmets on a glass head that you can buy at Pier 1 store. Normally it just keeps regular hats looking good, but the helmets look great on it (and it so much easier to work on them this way). Mine was gifted to me several years ago, so it wasn't an extra purchase and very convenient.

The idea for the second one is already finished in  my head, so all I have to do now is paint it. This next one will be a painting on the helmet, with an ode to the company I work for and the military. It's fitting.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sorted out the adhesive problems ... full steam ahead.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Helmet #1 : Canadian Landscape (step 1)

My first helmet is planned to be a synthesis of our beautiful Canadian Landscape, a quiet scene of trees (naturally) and rocks, very akin to the Canadian Shield terrain (my favourite).  I'm using sculptural pieces atop the helmet, planning everything to be painted for the final finish. So for now I'm not worrying about the colour of the clay being used, just the forms and shapes.

Today I made a large batch of pieces for the natural elements, and tonight I'm working on placement.

Two more vacation Studies in oil

Not sure if I will take either of these past this point; am undecided right now. Will likely work on the top one further though (bush weighs wrong). But I am turning to the first helmet this afternoon, so kick-start this.

Have spent some time yesterday trying to consolidate my disparate thoughts on radar, and it's functionality versus the flexibility of VR. This I can continue while sculpting, as kneading something might may a difference.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little 6x6 oil from Camping Vacation

Am just getting now to posting some of my painting from my vacation. I had decided in the outset that during this couple of weeks I would paint only that which was around me, which would allow me to not spend undue time and worry on whether or not I was painting "the right subject" etc. Hence I worked primarily in my little sketchbook, with several canvases ongoing. I plan to work on some new pieces from my sketches in the coming weeks, while also working on the two helmets for True Patriot Love auction.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cornfield Sketch

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Red sketchbook

Some sketches from yesterday. I brush the pages in a light colour for easier drawing in bright sunlight.

Damn iPhone is crap on photographing in landscape mode. Making me wish for a BB.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Roughing It

Tent is awesome ... except we put it up wrong and found it raining inside (and only inside) when we woke up this morning. Sigh. Sketched today. Fed the mosquitoes.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Off Camping

So we're off in minutes for camping on my sisters 10 acres. With the bugs and snakes, but oil paints are onboard nonetheless. I've decided to take only two small books with me (not including sketchbooks) one on Van Gogh and one on Cezanne. I don't know much of the latters works, but on first glance the images were interesting. Already argued about the space requirements needed for supplies, but I wouldn't budge.

I miss my studio already.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Abstract Expressionists at AGO

Went to see the above show at the AGO yesterday afternoon, and will also make a second trip before it leaves in early Sept. My personal favourite ended up being by someone I've never heard of before, but it is dynamic:

Several Pollocks too; I like his work.

More thoughts later on show. Will quickly add (gotta head off to work), the I saw the Henry Moore and Brian Jungen thing - think large doggie chewie rawhides cozied up beside giant stone statues - and got snarled at by security for these:

Freezers?? Come on. Did Futureshop run another special?

Anyway, loved the Kathleen Munn exhibit.

Love the cows. Love the colour. The rawhide guy needs to spend some time in this room.

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Location:Mobile Dr,,Canada

Friday, July 22, 2011

Final painting (still have to sign it)

Oil on handmade paper.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Making an Exception

I have decided to make an exception tonight, and post my amazing cloud photos, which I kinda pasted together. My sister just couldn't understand my cloud painting (and I still don't see why) but when I showed her the photos, then she both believed me and gets it. I personally like the painting best, which is why I paint.

Will post the finished painting tomorrow. Pictures were taken on the iPhone, which is why they've been pasted together. Like most of my photos, they'll get deleted after a bit. They pile up pretty quickly and I need the space. Besides, the paintings feel more real than any photographs.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Painting or something like it

Just working away in the studio tonight. Spent some time outside sketching in the park near me this weekend past. Managed to get a sunburn too, which is quite distracting. Now it's itchy, too. My skin is burning.

I'm not sure what I'm doing really, it's like I'm painting but I'm not sure where I'm going with it. Just feeling my way through without trying to over analyze why or what. This is just a landscape, certainly not revolutionary but I'm really enjoying spending time inside it. I'm sure my last instructor would be disappointed in my turning towards anything realistic, but in my mind this is right, for right now.

Still in progress, of course. Will finish tomorrow.

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Canadian Open Chess Tournament

Enjoying a long and exciting weekend down at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel showcasing my chess sets at the Canadian Open. Mark Bluvshtein, who holds the distinction of becoming both the youngest Canadian IM and the youngest Canadian GM in history, played with one of my chess sets on Friday night for his Chess Simultaneous Exhibition, where he played 16 other players at once. The man is beyond good. It was very cool.

Oh, and by the way Mark won the match. He did say that the board provided some challenge to him.

Quick picture of the booth, with Roddy and Wendy playing in the background.
Huge thank you to Linda and Jeff, who found the display case for the boards. It's awesome!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Super Bishop

Something to paint and maybe raffle off this weekend at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel. Will be there at the Canadian Open Chess Tournament showcasing my sets. Now I'm really a bundle of nerves.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tired & painting final pieces

I just had to paint this set, and couldn't put it off any longer. Off to bed now. Will have to find poetry another day.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Supersizing Pieces

I've made a few much larger chess pieces, just to see how they'd turn out. And cause the do go nicely sized with the 4x4 squared piece board. Will have to paint these, as colored clay is out of the question. Want to make a few more now, but will have to wait until tomorrow as today is the bank holiday.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sore Hands

So I've been through 21 packages of clay today, and I'm done for the day now. Mainly because the hands are quite sore; balances out the back I think.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Finished two sets today and sketches for tomorrows pieces

... and my back is killing me. Simply cannot sit or stand any more today. Found a nice comfy spot of real estate on the carpet and am growing roots for a bit.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finished the Winter Pieces

Tomorrow I'll finish the Summer side.

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